Another area of home management involves scheduling and time-management. A family calendar is a necessity; list kids’ scouting meetings, recitals, plays, trips, etc. Put down your commitments too. Everyone should use the family calendar. You can refer to it before you make a commitment. It also helps to slow down the pace of the family a bit. You can put in the family meetings and special dinners, etc., you want all of the family to be there for. Calendars are great! You should also have your own personal calendar and make appointments with yourself. These appointments can be for personal development, spiritual growth, etc. Either way, post them so family members will know you are unavailable at these times. You need to make the time to fill yourself up before you pour into others. Mothers, particularly, spend much time pouring into the lives of others, yet very little time filling themselves back up.
You can also reduce a lot of stress by having a family bulletin board / communication center. I have one in the kitchen. You can use a horizontal file folder or cover a cereal box with contact paper. Train your children to put notes in the box. This way you can read them at your leisure and not when you are cooking dinner, or otherwise occupied. The communication center can also be used to place encouraging notes to other family members. You can also have a suggestion box. The suggestion box can be used for kids and adults to write down their ideas about how the family can effectively function. A calendar should be near the family communication center.
These are just a few ideas that can help you to run your family more efficiently. Household management involves developing good habits and remember a habit is something you do without thinking. Good thinking forms good habits. We as moms set the standard for our households with our habits. It is not so important that are homes are spic and span clean but they we are constantly working to improve our home management skills to serve our families.